Hi there! It’s Denver here. It’s been a long time. I know I’ve been quiet since my last post in May, and I’m sorry if you missed me but I’m now back as my new improved self. And this time I’m really back.
I wasn’t completely quiet though. During my absence, I was actually rediscovering myself and tinkering with a new platform: Twitter! Well, I already knew about Twitter years before. I even have an old Twitter account. But I didn’t really know how to use it then so I never tweeted that much. This May, I read a few ebooks and joined a few courses about Twitter and I got hooked on it plain and simple.
I got hooked not only by consuming content but by learning how to create content that could help other people. This is powerful. Being able to learn while giving value to people is empowering.
Why I’m Not Going Back to Facebook
Now that I’ve discovered the joys and the power of Twitter, I don’t think I’m going back to Facebook again.
Twitter is not like Facebook in that on Twitter there are real possibilities for connecting with new and authentic people.
On Facebook, you tend to be fenced in with the people you already know—your childhood friends, your old classmates, your family, and your work colleagues. That’s not true with Twitter.
On Twitter, you can connect with people you know of course, but that won’t be the main reason why you connect. You will connect and interact mostly with people who have the same values and interests as you. This provides the background in which you can develop yourself with the help and support of your community and give back value in return.
The Transformations I Did While Exploring Twitter
Let me give you a personal context to this story. You see, I’ve made several groundbreaking transformations only in a span of 6 months. Looking back, I’ve transformed so much that I’m afraid my old friends might not recognize the current me. Here are some of them:
- started exercising every day
- started lifting weights and running
- lost 13kg, from 80kg back in April to 67kg now
- completely stopped drinking alcohol
- started the practicing meditation
- started to write every day (500 words per day)
- improved my relationships with my wife and kids
- started courses on how to build a solopreneur business
- made authentic friends and I’m growing my followers
Imagine, all these in just 6 months.
Let it be clear that I already wanted to do these changes even before I discovered Twitter. However, being in the company of like-minded people at Twitter empowered me to take the first steps and their encouragement helped me to follow through on my commitments. That would be difficult to do when you’re by yourself.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Of course, all these transformations are possible if you really want them. But now that I’ve made the transformations myself I can attest that it would have taken much more time if I try to do them in isolation.
I wouldn’t give Twitter all the credit for these, but the community I found there really helped me move my life in the direction I wanted to go. Finding like-minded people, sharing tips and knowledge, and giving and receiving advice—the Twitter community’s energy is palpable, real, and infectious.
So if you ever wanted to improve your life, I’d suggest you join Twitter and find your tribe who will help you in your journey. I will be there, so don’t be a snub, send me a message and I promise to welcome you and show you around.
My Twitter handle is @IkigaiJournal, please give me a follow and I’ll make sure you have a great experience, you may even find your Ikigai along the way. Ok, this is all for now, I’ll see you next week!