Tuesday , March 5 2024

About Us

About Us

About us: We are ordinary people with an extraordinary mission:
We help other people find meaning and purpose in their everyday life.

Denver’s Story

I had been looking for my purpose in this world for years and years but was disappointed many times. I thought I could find it out there but I was wrong. I’ve suffered and struggled for years until I discovered the real meaning of Ikigai and the principles surrounding it.
I wish to impart all of what I’ve learned to you. My search is now over but yours is just beginning, so I want to share Ikigai Notes with you. It’s a tool to help you avoid countless mistakes so you could start living your life now, immediately, here, at this moment.


If I have to describe what Ikigai Notes is in a few words, I would say that Ikigai Notes is about courage –the courage to live our lives now, the courage to be our ordinary selves, the courage to love openly, and the courage to give what it is we are able to give to this world. Ikigai Notes was created out of courage, and that’s what it represents.

“My wish for you all is that you find what gives your life meaning and purpose in this world. We now live in trying times, but there are also so much good and beauty out there. In the end, you’ll have to find your own way.
No need to worry, we’ll be here to guide you all through your journey.”

Denver Mishima  


Our Mission & Values

We are in the people-empowerment business. There is no other happiness for us than to hear that somehow somewhere out there we have affected your life in a positive manner and have helped you live a more meaningful life. We want the world to know the true meaning of Ikigai and the principles surrounding the concept. Although Ikigai, or the thing that is worth living, seems to be such a simple idea, the values and principles it is founded on are not easily understood. The following are three key values that we hold dear to our hearts;


The courage to live your life as you see fit. To live a life based on good values such as love, integrity, freedom, honesty, etc. you’ll need to have “courage” first.


For us, nature means health, rejuvenation, immense power, and a great source of wisdom. When we are lost, we turn to nature for direction. The force of nature is with us, guiding us, and telling us the way forward. We just need clear our minds to listen.

Life Tasks

To be successful in life we need to actively carry out our three main tasks in life: improving ourselves(Self); building meaningful relationships(Relations); enthusiastically engaging in work(Work).

Make the Leap of Faith

Ikigai Notes is about courage and finding meaning in this seemingly meaningless world. Take courage to live your life and make the leap of faith to discover your own destiny.

Many people ask us, “how do I find my Ikigai?” Well, like any worthwhile thing in this world such as love, you don’t “accidentally meet” or “find” your Ikigai, you build it brick by brick, every day, with your own two hands. Yes, we know that’s going to be tough, that’s why we’re here to help.

Ready to Discover Your True Calling in Life?

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