Tuesday , June 4 2024

Tag Archives: self-improvement

Writing Advice For Newbie Writers

(From one newbie writer to another) So you’ve decided to become a writer eh? That’s good, you’re in good company. I’m a writer myself, still in the beginning stage just like you, but a writer nonetheless. If you want writing advice from the pros, you can go with the likes …

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Why Rejection is A Good Thing

Triump Over Rejection

I know what you’re thinking. “What’s the point of putting myself out there if there’s no way I can get what I want anyway?” So what do you do instead? You slack off. You tuck your tails behind your legs and you declare “surrender.” Then you hate and curse the …

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Twitter Changed My Life In 6 Months

Twitter - don't tweet alone

Hi there! It’s Denver here. It’s been a long time. I know I’ve been quiet since my last post in May, and I’m sorry if you missed me but I’m now back as my new improved self. And this time I’m really back. I wasn’t completely quiet though. During my …

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